History of the Institute

Dear friends! Friends of the Institute! Friends of Russian culture!

I sincerely congratulate you on the centennial anniversary of our beloved Ippolitovka!

By the will of fate, the team entrusted me with the leadership of the institute at this significant stage in its history. Correspond to the tasks set by the founder of our educational institution MM Ippolitov-Ivanov, to continue the work begun by such an outstanding personality is a great happiness and a great responsibility.

Mikhail Mikhailovich, as you know, created our educational institution, being the rector of the Moscow Conservatory. He attracted the best teachers of that time and immediately set a very high standard for the educational process. Over time, the school, the college and then the institute became an integral part of the Moscow performing school, which has been feeding the whole world with outstanding musicians for more than a hundred years.

During the years of hard times, the civil war, Ippolitov-Ivanov carried out tremendous creative work, opened new music schools, reformed curricula, and Ippolitovka, as people affectionately call us now, became one of the flagships of this process, which predetermined the beginning of a new era in the development of Russian culture.

During the time of general education, Ippolitov-Ivanov came up with the ideas of introducing the broad masses to the achievements of academic music. He created specialized educational programs for children, for workers, for soldiers.

The ideas of Mikhail Mikhailovich are of particular relevance today. They proved their viability and gave abundant shoots.

The institute approached its centenary with remarkable universally recognized achievements. We have big strategic plans.

We hope that Ippolitovka will enter the next century as an advanced university, equipped with modern educational technologies, with an updated material base corresponding to its creative potential.

Our friendly team will continue to do everything possible to even more successfully solve the state tasks facing us for the benefit of Russian culture!

Welcome to Ippolitovka!

Rector of the GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanova,
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor

Valery Iosifovich Vorona

State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanov is one of the leading professional musical educational institutions in the country, which determines the high level of Russian performing culture, along with the Moscow and St. Petersburg Conservatories, the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.


Ippolitov-Ivanov (1859-1935) - composer, conductor, major public figure, the first elected rector of the Moscow Conservatory - actively helped the formation and development of a new educational institution in Moscow, directly participated in its life and even, as archival materials show, temporarily acted as director Ippolitovka.

The Ippolitovskaya school gave many iconic names that have become the pride of the national culture. Not only in our country, but also abroad, pianists A. Bakhchiev and M. Voskresensky, opera soloists O. Teryushnova, N. Novoselov, L. Maslov, conductors L. Ermakova, N. Lomanova, E. Baikova, performers folk songs L.Zykin, T.Petrov, T.Sinitsyn, E.Shavrin, A.Litvinenko, N.Kadyshev, pop stars A.Pugachev, M.Shufutinsky, Zh.Aguzarov, A.Malinin, singers G.Karev, R .Lisitsian, L.Ryumin, A.Zhmakov, L.Kurdyumov, I.Khramtsov, L.Nikolskaya. Graduates of Ippolitovka - professors of the Moscow Conservatory A. Kandinsky and A. Myasoedov, former rector of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinykh S. Kolobkov, vice-rector for scientific work of the Russian Academy of Sciences T. Maslovskaya.


Among the current stars of Ippolitovka is the violinist Sergei Sukhobrusov, laureate of international competitions, including the Violin Competition. D. Oistrakh, winner of the Golden Talent of Russia award; singer Olga Balashova, winner of the first prize at an international competition in Italy (2008), winner of many All-Russian and international competitions; Maria Arkhireeva - laureate of the international piano competition in Italy; pianist Farid Makhmudov, who won first place in the All-Russian competition "Young Talents of Russia" in 2008; Pavel Ukhanov, who in 2007 received a 1st degree diploma at the Open International Competition for Performers on Folk Instruments in Moscow. Laureates of the IX International Competition named after Maria Yudina in St. Petersburg in 2007 became two chamber ensembles of Ippolit students; a year later, at the X International Competition. Maria Yudina, the prize was awarded to the chamber ensemble of Ippolitists consisting of E. Brylev and E. Bazhenov. Let's also name the winners of the festival "Festos-2009" - these are I. Boychenko, N. Rudyachenko, D. Fastunov, S. Goltyaeva.

The young singer Marina Poplavskaya is known all over the world - the owner of the Grand Prix of the International Competition. M. Kallas, a former student of Ippolitovka, now a soloist of the leading opera houses in Europe; L. Egorov is a laureate of many international and All-Russian competitions, the owner of the Grand Prix of the International Piano Competition. Pogorelich in the USA. Prestigious awards of All-Russian and international competitions have graduate students from different departments, including A. Budnikov, M. Gusev, E. Isaeva, T. Egorova, I. Krutova, A. Romanova, S. Sonnov.

The educational institution has come a long way from a school for children and adults, organized on the initiative of the workers of the Rogozhsky district of Moscow in 1919, to a university established by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation in 1995 on the basis of the country's oldest music school named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. In the educational institution in different years of its existence, the largest masters of national musical culture taught, including R. Barshai, S. Bezrodny, V. Berlinsky, R. Davidyan, S. Shirinsky, G. Aden, S. Rudnitskaya, F. Fo Kin, A. Mikhalchik, N. Chubenko, N. Verbova, A. Prokoshina, I. Yaunzem, M. Terian, N. Fishman, V. Dulova, A. Myasoedov, N. Shakhovskaya, M. Pekarsky, M. Fedotov.

Being an exemplary educational institution, the school already in 1923. received the name of Ippolitov-Ivanov, who was among the first domestic musicians awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Republic.


The traditions laid down by Ippolitov-Ivanov and the musician-teachers, many of whom taught at the conservatory, worked in the leading orchestras of the country, were soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, were preserved over the next decades, are preserved and are being multiplied today.

In the early 1930s, Ippolitovka was headed by M. Presman, a fellow student of Rachmaninov and Scriabin. It should be noted that Ippolitovka was one of those educational institutions that were not closed during the Great Patriotic War, continued to work and develop in the most difficult conditions.

It was here, in Ippolitovka, that the first domestic harp was designed by the students of V. Dulova (A. Kaplyuk and S. Maikov), and as a result, since 1948, mass production of harps became possible in the country.


In 1960 - for the first time in the world and in our country - on the initiative of E. Gedevanova, who at that time headed Ippolitovka, a department of folk singing was opened here. The first teachers were the most famous masters in this field: Irma Yaunzem, Alexandra Prokoshina, Valentina Klodnina, Nadezhda Chubenko, and among the first graduates was People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina - "the golden voice of Russia".

Since 1971 for 15 years, the music school was headed by I. Babichev. In 1986 director of the school, and since 1995 - the rector of the GMPI them. M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov was A. Korsakovich. Among the professors of the university were the largest musicians N. Shakhovskaya, A. Skavronsky, L. Boldin, N. Yureneva, R. Davidyan, G. Golovinsky.

In the late 90s of the last century, the GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, the direction of training contemporary music performers began to actively develop, talented young musicians M.Dubov, M.Khodina, O.Galochkina came to the university. Within the walls of the educational institution, an orchestra of contemporary music "XX CENTURY" has been formed, a lot and successfully performs.


Special attention is paid to modern music at the institute: many premieres of new compositions are performed by the choir, soloists, orchestral groups and ensembles of the GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitova Ivanova.

The Institute acted as the initiator and organizer of the All-Russian Competition named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov "Young talents of Russia".

Ippolitov's scientific readings devoted to the problems of national musical culture have become traditional.

An important stage in the development of the university is the creation of the department of conducting a symphony orchestra, headed by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation V. Ponkin, and the department of folk instruments, headed by the laureate of international competitions D. Dmitrienko.

A special pride of the institute is the department of composition, formed recently. Major composers, authors of works of various genres, known both in our country and abroad, teach at the university - People's Artist of Russia A. Flyarkovsky, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, prof. E. Podgaits, M. Bronner (all of them are members of the Board of the Union of Moscow Composers), I. Kadomtsev. A few facts: at the end of 2008, at the international competition organized by the Bolshoi Theater and the Union of Theater Workers, the main prize was awarded to Professor E. Podgayts Ippolitovka, his fantasy ballet for children “Moydodyr” was named the best among all the submitted works by composers from different countries. Under the terms of the competition, Podgaits's ballet should be staged at the Bolshoi Theater in 2010. Earlier, in 2002, the New York Mass of Podgaits, created shortly after the events of 9/11, sounded in America. In 2003, in France, M.S. Rostropovich conducted a concert composition by Podgayts, written by his order. Discs with works by M. Bronner, E. Podgayets, A. Flyarkovsky were published.


The saxophone class is taught by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A.Volkov, young flutists have the opportunity to study with the People's Artist of the USSR A.Korneev, choir conductors - with the People's Artist of the USSR, prof. S. Gusev, who previously headed the State Academic Choir. A.A.Yurlov, former chief choirmaster of the Bolshoi Theatre.

A distinctive feature of the educational institution is the training of orchestral musicians.
Ippolitists work in all the leading orchestras of the country, to name a few: the Grand Symphony Orchestra conducted by V. Fedoseev, the National Orchestra conducted by V. Spivakov, the orchestra conducted by A. Gorenstein, the orchestra conducted by P. Kogan, the orchestra conducted by Y. Bashmet.

The Moscow Youth Chamber Orchestra was formed at the university and performs with great success both in our country and abroad (headed by Prof. V. Vorona, since 2004 - rector of the M.M. A. Volkov, brass band under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia, prof. E. Dubrovina, “Femina-quartet - laureate of the competition named after. D. Shostakovich.

The Chamber Choir regularly performs with European and domestic orchestras and soloists under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia, prof. G. Bogdanova.

A strong scientific school has developed at the institute, fundamental research is being published:
Conversations with Alfred Schnittke and Edison Denisov prof. D. Shulgin, monographs about A. Spadavekkia, Yu. Slonov, a book (based on archival materials) by Doctor of Arts, prof. I.Romashchuk about Shostakovich's contemporary G.Popov.

Large concert activities are conducted by musical groups, teachers, students and graduate students of all performing departments.

Important: Ippolitists perform a lot and free of charge in nursing homes, hospitals, orphanages, in front of veterans, in schools, universities, museums - not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but also in other cities, countries of the Far and Near abroad.


In the college and university, students receive a deep humanitarian education (head of the department, associate professor L. Chepragina). The role of the departments of "Musicology" (head of the department prof. L.Sokolova) and "Theory of Music" (head of the department prof. N.Andrianova) in the preparation of future teachers of musical and theoretical disciplines, lecturers, music critics, scientists (special important here is the fact that the university opened postgraduate studies in the scientific specialty "Musical Art"), the GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov today is an educational complex, which includes a music college, a preparatory advanced training. As a result, it is possible to train musicians of various specialties based on the continuity of the best traditions of professional education.

GMPI named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanova fulfills the most important mission - over the course of 10-12 years of training for each young musician, the university forms the personalities of future cultural figures who will represent the Russian performing school in our country and abroad.

Recently, new initiatives of the institute have been implemented, including:

  • - Together with the Russian Performing Arts Foundation, an original concert production of the mono-opera The Human Voice by F. Poulenc (nominated for the Golden Mask national award);
  • - Together with the Russian Performing Arts Foundation, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music and the Union of Moscow Composers - the Moscow Festival of Classical and Contemporary Music (in early April 2009, the second such festival was held under the name "Rendezvous ... a la russe!");
  • - Festival "Ippolitovskaya choral spring";
  • - International competition of chamber ensembles and piano duets. D. Shostakovich;
  • - All-Russian scientific symposium “Music in the system of intercultural communications at the turn of the XX-XX! centuries";
  • - Interuniversity competition of young lecturers;
  • - Edition of chamber vocal works by MM Ippolitov-Ivanov;
  • - Project "International Music Academy "Master Class"".